Federer – Up and Down – then Down and Up

November 10, 2018
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Copyright © 2018 · Jim McLennan · Essential Tennis Instruction
Bud Light
November 12, 2018One of the most interesting things these videos illustrate to me, at least, is that one doesn’t have to jump or leave his (her)feet when serving. Roger’s overall motion is so smooth that it is no wonder he can literally place the ball wherever he wants and always seems in complete body balance. I always immensely enjoy reading what you have to say because, in my opinion, you are right on. Keep sending. Bud Light
Jim McLennan
November 17, 2018Bud – this is the present “unknown” for me to see servers in an earlier era with their feet on the ground when serving – and now the jumping – sure it elevates the point of contact and adds upward thrust to the service delivery –
November 12, 2018Great summary of what is happening. It’s very hard to see even in a slow motion video.
Jim McLennan
November 17, 2018Thanks
November 12, 2018Jim,
I just tried this technique! You definitely have a way with words.
I think the key is the transition between up down and down up staying relaxed and driving up with the legs. I am noticing increased power and depth! Thank you
David Parker
Jim McLennan
November 12, 2018David – thanks for the note – send me a video of your serve if you like – I am happy to tell you what I see
March 22, 2019Jim where can I send you a video of my serve.
Thank you,
David Parker
November 11, 2018Many thanks for sharing your invaluable experience, skills and knowledge.
November 11, 2018All is good. Thanks!
November 11, 2018There were no photos.
Jim McLennan
November 12, 2018Howard – check again – I fixed the problem
Rusty Rush
November 10, 2018Like Larry says…..no photos.
Jim McLennan
November 11, 2018Rusty – I am working on it
November 10, 2018Hey Jim,
Same experience as Larry…placeholders but no photos. Also using Safari browser on iPad and iPhone. Tried the link you provided and also no pictures.
Jim McLennan
November 11, 2018Mike – I am working on it
Jim McLennan
November 11, 2018Mike – it is fixed
Larry Lenon
November 10, 2018No photos in Safari browser, just a ? placeholder. Not even a placeholder Chrome.
Jim McLennan
November 10, 2018Larry – not sure what happened – it shows when I open the post
November 10, 2018no photos when i open either
Jim McLennan
November 11, 2018Matt – I am working on it
Jim McLennan
November 11, 2018Matt it is fixed
November 10, 2018Nope, no pics. I’m guessing you’ve posted them to a protected “member only” section.
Jim McLennan
November 11, 2018I am working on it – sorry
Jim McLennan
November 11, 2018GP it is fixed
Jim McLennan
November 11, 2018Larry it is fixed
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